

For children who attend Little Farlington, going on to join Reception at Farlington Lower School will be a seamless transition, making the start of 'big school' a far easier experience - for children and parents alike.

Children at Little Farlington will benefit from term-time access to specialist teaching, providing strong foundations for successful future learning once they reach Reception. Our pre-school children will enjoy music, art, dance and modern foreign language lessons with specialist teachers from the main school, in addition to an exciting early years curriculum, including preparations for phonics and numeracy development, taught by our qualified and experienced nursery staff.

Furthermore, our youngest learners will be given plenty of other opportunities to interact with Lower School pupils and staff throughout their time at Little Farlington, and particularly during their last year at the nursery - helping to prepare them for their next exciting step.

Little Farlington children will eat lunch in the main school dining hall, and be able to take advantage of many of the facilities on the Farlington School site - a favourite being our wonderful Forest School area. Our nursery children will also have the opportunity to participate in school productions, such as the annual Lower School Nativity, alongside Farlington pupils.

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