For international students hoping to study at Sixth Form, Farlington has introduced a Pre-A Level course running from September through to July (following the school’s published term dates).

Students are enrolled into our Language School but are part of our School Sixth Form (equivalent to a Year 12 pupil). The aim of the course is to develop English language skills and qualification to support pursuing Sixth Form study either at Farlington or elsewhere in the UK. 

Students should choose 3 potential A Level subjects from the following:

  • Chemistry 
  • Maths 
  • Business 
  • Economics 
  • Physics 

Each subject will have 8 taught lessons per subject per fortnight. The opportunity to undertake one of the below qualifications by the end of the year will be considered, dependent upon student progress:​ 

  • Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry/ Physics or Single Science.
  • Maths IGCSE 
  • IELTS qualification
  • Native GCSE Language  

Not only will students enrolled on this programme be better prepared to undertake these subjects for A Level, they will also provide an excellent grounding for other areas of study as well as strengthen any future university applications.

All students will take the following subjects within their timetable as full members of the school:

  • Lifeskills 
  • Games 
  • English Lessons (IELTS)
  • Curriculum Language Support

Students will receive 10 EAL Lessons and 8 Curriculum Language Support lessons per fortnight. All students receive a weekly Lifeskills lesson (covering personal, social, health and citizenship education). All students have 8 timetabled Games lessons and will be expected to take part in representing the school where appropriate. The remaining timetable will consist of optional Art/Music/Culture lessons alongside opportunity for private study.

In addition to our core curriculum, students can choose to have individual lessons at an additional cost from the following list:

  • LAMDA (Drama)
  • Music (Instrumental) 
  • Tennis 
  • Judo
  • Fencing
  • Trampolining 
  • Private English Tuition
  • Dance 

Minimum Criteria Pre A Level: Minimum English Language Level

For those students seeking a place on our Pre A Level course, students must be aged 15-16 years when they start the course and should have a minimum English level of B2.

Why study with us for Pre A Level?

Our Pre- A Level courses are a great way to have an excellent preparation year within a UK boarding school before looking to pursue Sixth Form study. You will be a part of our school community, taking part in our full range of activities, sports and social activities. You will be a part of our boarding community and experience trips each weekend. Lessons will be provided by our own teaching staff, many of whom also teach the A Level courses at Sixth Form. For those with aspirations to study at a UK university, we are proud of the offers our students receive and the courses and universities they go on to study after Farlington.

Course Fees

The school’s usual terms and conditions will apply for any student enrolled on the Pre A Level Course, which can be found here along with the termly Pre A Level Course fee.

For more information about the Pre A Level language course, please email