The great advantage of being an all-through school is that staff can ensure that transitions from Lower School to Middle School to Senior School are seamless. Attending an all-through school also saves students the upheaval of moving school and the pressure of additional exams.
All Lower School pupils at Farlington have an automatic right of entrance into the Middle School at Year 5. By the time your child moves into Year 5, he or she will have had the opportunity to familiarise him/herself with the Middle School, having had increasing contact and time with Middle School staff, minimising any worries that can occur when changing schools.
In addition to our Lower School pupils, we also welcome many children from local schools into the Middle School. During the Summer Term, we organise a number of events, for pupils and parents, to ensure a smooth transition for all into Year 5. These include a Moving-Up Afternoon/New Pupils' Afternoon, giving pupils the opportunity to experience a day in their new school or year group. These events enable students to approach this next step in their educational journey with ease and enthusiasm, and ensure that pupils are well prepared for the challenges and adventures that lie ahead.