Exciting Boarding House News - Summer 2024

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6 June 2024

We are pleased to share the news of investment into our Boarding House this summer. The planned works will include the creation of single, twin and triple rooms in place of our larger existing dorms, which will provide our boarders with modern decoration and furnishings. We know how much our boarders value such smaller rooms and these changes will provide us with greater options to offer them in terms of room sharing and choice.

In addition to this, we are delighted to confirm that we will be creating a new communal boarding kitchen on the ground floor of the Mansion House, adjacent to our large Boarders’ Common Room. Visuals are provided below, but we see this as becoming a real heart of the Boarding House community, where our boarders can socialise together around shared food and fun times.

Boarding House KitchenScreenshot 2024 06 06 090910

Boarding House Staffing Update:

There is also exciting news regarding the Boarding House team for September. Miss Emily Hartley will step down as Head of Boarding at the conclusion of her maternity cover contract. She has done a superb job and we are pleased to confirm will continue to support the Boarding House and undertake boarding duties next year. 

Succeeding Miss Hartley, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Tony Ashton to the role of Head of Boarding at Farlington. Mr Ashton is a highly experienced boarding house parent who has worked within boarding schools his whole career and was himself a boarder as a pupil. He brings with him a wealth of experience and very much a pupil-focused approach. He will be joined by Cassie, his Jack Russell terrier.

In further staff news, we are pleased to confirm that Miss Jasmine Bulley has been reappointed for a second year within the Boarding House and will take on greater responsibilities as a Boarding Tutor next year, as she looks to develop her expertise and skills in boarding. Mr Simon Riordan will also join us from South Africa as a Graduate Boarding Tutor, and again comes to us with previous boarding experience. In addition, Mr Hector Williams will be joining the resident boarding team to support evening and weekend activities, and duties. Miss Olivia Briano will also continue to support the Boarding House with evening and weekend duties.

Ms Rachael Lewis will continue in her valuable role as Boarding House Matron, as well as continuing to support weekend boarding duties. Mrs Sally Brackpool will also continue to support the Boarding House team on Saturday mornings whilst our regular Saturday trips run. In addition, Mr Anthony Cruz and Mr Daniel Cronin will continue as Boarding House Tutors. Mrs Sarah-Jane Gilbert will continue to oversee boarding as a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

The size of the team for September is the largest we have had at Farlington and will enable us to offer greater opportunities and support to our boarders both academically and pastorally.

Combined with the planned summer works introduced above, this is a very exciting time for boarding at Farlington!