Academics & Wellbeing
Fundamental to the Farlington Sixth Form philosophy is that it is impossible to separate academics from pastoral support. Acknowledging that these two are inextricably linked informs how we structure our systems.
Collegiate, Tutorial-Based Model
Offering a comprehensive A-level provision, we are proudly a small college with small class sizes. As such, our specialist staff get to know the students quickly, ensuring that they are engaging and learning in every class. The opportunity for discussion and clarification enables our students to become independent and proactive in their learning, setting them up for success in a higher education environment or effectively preparing them for a modern apprenticeship. Students typically choose three A-Level subjects, though we can be flexible on this, depending on the individual. In addition, some students will undertake the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or study A-Level Further Maths. For our full Sixth Form subject offering, please visit our Curriculum For A-Level MicroSite.
Tracking – Academic & Pastoral
Following the setting of Challenge Grades at the beginning of Year 12, academic progress is monitored closely, and reported both verbally and in writing. There are two parents’ evenings in both Year 12 and Year 13, and two written reports per year. Indicative predicted grades are given post Year 12 exams in the summer, with predicted grades for UCAS being finalised in September.
Tutor Support
Each student has a Tutor with whom they will bookend the day. This Tutor is the first point of contact for students and parents, and works closely with all involved, in order to provide the pastoral support necessary for success. Tutors can advise on a range of strategies, from helping to develop organisational skills such as time management and revision planning, to providing a friendly ear and encouragement at busy times. Our wider-school pastoral and safeguarding systems are also in place, should our students require more specific pastoral support at any time.