Year 8 trip to Blackland Farm

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17 June 2021

On Thursday, 17 and Friday, 18 June, Year 8 set off for Blackland Farm for two days of team-building adventures. The forecast wasn’t looking kind, but Mrs Gilbert’s blind optimism about the weather and Ms Whittaker’s supply of snacks… oh no, wait, she forgot the snacks… kept everyone in good spirits!

The students started with the crate challenge, working together to build a crate tower for their teammates to balance on as they climbed. Aisha and Rosa became the champions by successfully perching on 15 stacked crates!

The lunchtime scavenger hunt was possibly the most competitive element of the day, with students foraging for various items to gain points. Iona impressed us with her commitment to finding a feather as she blazed through the undergrowth in search of pigeons, to find nothing but a spoon. It came down to a tie, and the deciding task of naming local birds saw Katie and her team flounder while Caitlin and her team triumphed. (Do ask Bethan, if you see her, what a Pitwit is!)

The climbing wall followed, with Rosa and Jemima proving themselves to be natural climbers, and Julia showing impressive physicality on her way to the top. Students pushed themselves out of their comfort zones to scale the wall and were proud of their accomplishments. We finished this off with some challenges on the bouldering wall, where Jess was unbeatable.

On the return to school a highly competitive game of 'Capture the Flag' was organised by the students, while Ms Whittaker fired up the BBQ for tea. 

On Friday the rain was less forgiving, but fortunately the snacks prevailed, and the group comforted themselves with ‘Granny Chocolates” as it poured! The students tackled Jacob’s Ladder, working together to climb as high as possible. Soaked through, they remained positive and engaged, encouraging one another and overcoming the challenge. The zip wire followed, for a final burst of adrenaline.

Following lunch, the team tackled the low-ropes course, with students communicating well and supporting each other around the course. Jemima C’s team triumphed, with the best time and the fewest foot-faults.

All in all, everybody had a wonderful time. The students worked incredibly well as a team and threw themselves admirably into the activities, despite the rain! It was great for everyone to let their hair down after a long and challenging year, and to come together as such a powerful team. Well done!