A-Level Results Day: 93% of Farlington students awarded A* to B

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10 August 2021

After what can only be described as a very unique Sixth Form experience, we are delighted that the students at Farlington are celebrating another set of impressive A-Level results.  

In the second year of cancelled examinations, the students’ hard work and commitment across the two years of their A-Level courses have been recognised through the submission of Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). The grades achieved by the Class of 2021 are testament to their dedication, resilience and strength of character as they negotiated the challenges of the past two academic years. Whilst they have not sat formal national examinations, they have proved their merit through a rigorous process of tests and assessments. We are delighted with the grades awarded by the exam boards.

Yet again, Farlington students achieved a 100% success rate in their A-Level results, with 71% achieving A* to A and 93% achieving A*to B.

However, as every school will agree, Results Day is not 'just' about the headline percentages. Behind all of these results lie the stories of individual students who have, with the support and encouragement of their teachers, this year and throughout their school lives, achieved beyond their expectations.  

The Farlington Class of 2021 will be taking up places at universities including Bristol, Edinburgh, Exeter, Kings and UCL, studying a range of courses including Animation, Chemical Engineering, Psychology and Cognitive NeuroScience, Film and Television, and Criminology. We are, as ever, equally proud of each and every student, and wish them all much success and happiness for the future.